Motorcycle Route Author

By Guest (0 McR Points)
on Feb 28, 2007
Rider Reviews
Written Directions
Start your route in Harrisonburg, VA. All you do is take US-33 west into WV and on to the route's endpoint - Elkins, WV. If you continue on US-33 heading west you'll eventually reach I-79 but this stretch of US 33 is not as fun as it's all 4 lane highway with long curves and slower hill climbs.Scenery
This ride never fails to enchant and thrill me. There's always something new to see. Trust me you won't catch it all the first time because driving it the first time will consume most of your energy.The scenery can be anything from looking up from the valley floor to looking down from atop a mountain peak. Crisscrossing several blue ribbon trout streams and passing through two national forests (the George Washington and the Monongahela), both set on the west side of the Appalachian mountains, brings out a sense of just how small we really are. There are some sharp turns and few straight-aways. This a scenic trip so don't plan on breaking any land speed records .
Road Quality: 4
Have you ever driven down an 8% grade hill only to be relieved to have made it to the bottom and survived the 25 mph turns that switched into and out of the mountain side on the way. This road is thrilling at times but not dangerous. Experience and bike control are needed, but patience are much more in demand. The road is a bit narrow at times so keep your eyes forward.
Roadside Amenities:2
Camping is always better on a hill top over looking Seneca Rocks, it's a sheer rock wall that jets straight up from a mountain side where horse-back riding is available to the top, where a look out stand awaits. But if you prefer to hike or climb it it's there too. Pull-overs abound and caverns await just a few miles from the main route. Fill up with gas before you start and make sure you bring a camera because looking down at the valley floors will take your breath away.