Overall Route Rating
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3.4 out of 5 Rider Rating 3.4
5 Reviews

Motorcycle Route Author

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By chifinest51 (5 McR Points) on Jul 22, 2012

Rider Reviews

No Image Found
Forrest S
December 8, 2014
This ride is great. The pavement is brand new and…
No Image Found
December 20, 2013
I used to ride this route fairly often when I had…

Written Directions

If your coming from Killeen get on Rancie (FM 439) and head east. Turn right onto FM 93 and turn right on Loop 121. Take Loop 121 past Interstate 35 and turn right onto FM 436. A mile and half from there you will turn onto FM Road 1123.


This route is mostly farms lands, not the best for a scnery.

Drive Enjoyment

The road has a a lot of twisties roads hardly any gravel. If you have a sports bike, this is the road for you. For the most part, this road is mostly open, so you wouldn't have to worry about blind curves.

Tourism Opportunities

At the end of this road, you will find a gas station so you could refuel and do it again.

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Forrest S
December 8, 2014
0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
This ride is great. The pavement is brand new and smooth.
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No Image Found
December 20, 2013
0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
I used to ride this route fairly often when I had a sportbike a few years ago. Probably the best twistys in this area of central Texas unless you travel 60 or 70 miles to get to the Austin locale. Virtually no elevation changes though. Don't ever remember seeing a cop on this road so there were many times I topped my speedometer out at round 140 or so. There are several chances for this if you know the road well. Very little traffic is a big plus too.
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August 13, 2012
2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
its a small stretch of road but was really nice to ride. it has a few sweeping curves that are great on sports bikes. i didn't see any gravel on the road and only saw a couple of cars so its good if you want to unwind. i wish it was a little longer but overall its good. will definitely go again
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