Overall Route Rating
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4.29 out of 5 Rider Rating 4.29
28 Reviews

Motorcycle Route Author

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By Guest (0 McR Points) on May 31, 2007

Rider Reviews

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2 McR Points
June 28, 2016
I drive a 1985 Nissan 300ZX non-turbo manual, and…
4000 McR Points
December 28, 2013
A pretty fun road in it's own right. Nothing…

Written Directions

Start in a town called Leesville Lake Park, OH (see online map) and simply head east-northeast on Rt 164. You'll pass through Perrysville, Amsterdam, Monroeville, and end in Lisbon, OH. Enjoy!


A run through some of the twistiest roads in northeast Ohio all the while traveling through the sandstone hills of Jefferson County which is part of the Appalachian Highlands of northeastern Ohio. The woods are dominated by oak and hickory forest along with beeches, maples, tulip trees, walnuts, elms and ashes. You may also take in some wildflowers such as wild geraniums, hepaticas and bloodroots and wildlife like song bird songs, wild turkeys, and grouse. An excellent run to make in the fall when the leaves change color.

Drive Enjoyment

It's an excellent road that is clean for the most part and traffic is light. It is an EXTREMELY technical road that would be a sport biker's 'wet dream'. The curves are capable of causing a Sportster to drag a peg, and then some. This road is full of surprises; from extremely tight hairpin's, to loads of elevation changes, to sharp blind corners. The speed limit the last time I was on it (2006) was roughly 45 mph yet this speed limit is actually a bit too fast for rookie riders, especially in the corners. PAY ATTENTION TO THE SIGNS! If it says '15 mph' at a corner, u MIGHT be going too fast at 15 mph!! This road also contains tricky reduced radius curves, and this curve type can get a rookie in serious trouble if they take em too hot. Also, keep in mind there are some corners might contain gravel at times. Tip for rookies: always look where u want the bike to go to. this will keep u from asphalt surfing when u encounter a reduced radius curve.

Tourism Opportunities

This is a road that because of its design, it seems to go on forever. The towns it goes thru are all '1 stop-light towns' basically so not too much to do off the bike. From Scio to Lisbon, the route will be approximately 45 miles and is extremely rural. Respect these curves, because should u go down on this road, help might be very slow in coming and it will be a very long walk to a town.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

- View the weather forecast for this area from Yahoo weather .

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June 28, 2016
2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
I drive a 1985 Nissan 300ZX non-turbo manual, and I live in Cleveland. Where the heck can I drive this thing legally and have fun?!? Searching for "best driving roads in northeast Ohio" I found some pretty good reviews of SR 164. Had an itch in my pants and the day off, so starting from the west side of Cleveland, I set off for 164 this afternoon. 77 down, 30 across, 644 nice road to Salineville, and then, just wow.

I've driven on some twisties, and some hillies, but nothing even close to this combination of hills and corners. What a great road! 55mph most of the time, and you better be careful going 60mph, because there will be surprises! So many blind corners! Especially dangerous the blind crests, you launch over at 60mph and suddenly you're supposed to be going right even though you have no grip, thank god nothing was in the other lane!

This is definitely road to be driven multiple times to get the best out of it. Very technical! It even has a Laguna Seca Corkscrew! Totally worth the drive and back from West Park!
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December 28, 2013
4000 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
A pretty fun road in it's own right. Nothing crazy, but recommended if you're in the area. Road surface was ok, not much in the way of road debris.
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November 25, 2009
0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
One of my favorite NE Ohio rides. If you are coming from North of this area, you can jump over to Route 9 and take that back up North!! Both route 164 AND Route 9 are exceptional motoring roads!! You'll be near Salem, so stop in and check out BB Rooners bar/restaraunt while in the area for lunch/dinner. It is owned by a biker, and has a great outside deck...
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