Overall Route Rating
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3.75 out of 5 Rider Rating 3.75
12 Reviews

Motorcycle Route Author

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By Guest (0 McR Points) on May 31, 2009

Rider Reviews

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2 McR Points
June 9, 2014
I took 2 of my friends for this ride.. It was…
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September 10, 2017
This ended up being a real snoozer. Hwy 24 had…

Written Directions

Start in Wellington MO, intersection of Hwy 224 & 131. Head East on Hwy 224 towards Lexington, MO (7miles). Drive through downtown Lexington and merge onto Hwy 24, continue East towards Waverly, MO (20 miles). Drive through Waverly, MO turn North on Hwy 24/65 towards Carrollton, MO (12 miles). Head West on Hwy 10 towards Richmond, MO (30 miles). Continue West on Hwy 10 which merges to Hwy 210, continue West towards Missouri City, MO (20 miles). Continue West on Hwy 210, then head South on Hwy 291. Continue South on Hwy 291, head East on Hwy 24 towards Buckner/Napoleon. At Napoleon merge off of Hwy 24 and onto Hwy 224. Continue East on Hwy 224 towards Wellington. End Trip.


South side of the River Hwy 224 runs right next to the Missouri River where you'll get some good views of the river flowing. Later the road scenery changes (when you get on Hwy 10 & 210) to mainly farm country and some nice easy riding.

Drive Enjoyment

Minimal potholes on this trip. There are not a lot of turns but some curves. Overall its mostly easy riding.

Tourism Opportunities

This whole area is historic from Lewis & Clark, The Battle of Lexington (Civil War), Santa Fe Trail, to name a few. Nice smaller cities/towns to do some shopping along the way too.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

- View the weather forecast for this area from Yahoo weather .

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June 9, 2014
2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
I took 2 of my friends for this ride.. It was nice.. not too many cars on the road to think about.. a bit windy but very nice.. will come back to this one.
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September 10, 2017
0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
This ended up being a real snoozer. Hwy 24 had lots of heaved sections that jar your back if you're not ready for them. Fields, flat and straight for the most part, felt like it would never end.
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July 26, 2009
0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
I have rode it several times did not know of this web sight till today and my wife rode her v-star and i rode suzuki today .A very cool ride to us.A lot of bike travel on the road south of the river and go to someplace in lexington.Iride that after work just for a short run.
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