Motorcycle Route Author

By Guest (0 McR Points)
on Jan 31, 2007
Rider Reviews
Written Directions
This route makes a great loop starting and ending in Concord, MA - Start in Concord, MA. - Head West on Rt 2 for about 4 miles when you want to ... - Get off at Rt 111, in Acton, and take west through Boxborough, to Harvard Center. In Harvard, ... - Take a left onto Rt 110 S. Follow Rt. 110 South for about 8 miles and into Clinton. In Clinton, - Turn right (West) onto RT 62 West in Clinton center, and follow it for about 8 miles into and through Sterling, then 62 will run into Rt 140. Now you want to ... - Take a right onto 140 North for just about 3.5 miles and you'll see Rt 31 or E. Princeton Road on the left. Now ... - Take a left onto E. Princeton Road and follow it for a short 2 miles and it will run into Rt 62 at which point you want to ... - Take a left onto Rt 62. This is a lovely loop! Continue on 62 for a short 3.5 miles and ... - Take a right onto 140 heading South. Follow this down to the Wachusett Reservoir, a grand sight, and at the bottom of the reservoir, take a left onto RT 70 (70 will head North), which brings you up the other side of the Reservoir. Stay on Rt 70 heading North until in Clinton, you'll meet up with Rt 62 East and ... - Take a right onto Rt 62 heading East. Travel on 62 East quite a way (about 14.5 miles), until you meet up with Rt. 27 North in Maynard. Now you want to ... - Take a left onto 27 North up to Rt 2. At Rt 2 you want to - Turn right onto Rt 2 and head back to Concord (the route's end) or wherever you want to go from there.Scenery
Forests, farms, and a honking big Reservoir. Lovely tiny town centers, and some of the best farmland to be seen near Boston.Drive Enjoyment
Clinton's streets are not great, but the town center is a nice stop to stretch. Otherwise road quality is good, with mostly one lane roads, and little traffic.Tourism Opportunities
- Harvard Center is a postcard.- Stop at Bolton Orchards, at the intersection of 117, and 110S. Lot's of goodies to eat.