Overall Route Rating
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4.08 out of 5 Rider Rating 4.08
15 Reviews

Motorcycle Route Author

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By Guest (0 McR Points) on Mar 31, 2007

Rider Reviews

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January 15, 2008
if you cut over to Agusta and ride the ferry…
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May 6, 2009
Try this:head West when you get to KY22. Take it…

Written Directions

The route begins off in earnest just southwest of Maysville, as KY Route 10 splits off to the left of Route 546. The fun begins there as it takes you through all kinds of twists and turns, through Germantown, Brooksville before splitting off from Route 22 and heading to the northwest. You will be in the boonies until seeing the 4-lane route 9 to the north before reaching Alexandria.


A mixture of farms and small towns, mixed in with valleys, creeks and woods ... overall a nice country setting.

Drive Enjoyment

This route has as many twists and turns as any that I have been on in Kentucky. Great route as long as you get out in front of locals in their cars.

Tourism Opportunities

This is a throwback route ... not much to offer in terms of amenities. If you need gas, you can get it in Brooksville or Alexandria, otherwise, good luck!

Motorcycle Road Additional info

- View the weather forecast for this area from Yahoo weather .

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November 1, 2011
0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
I've been ridding on this route ever since I got my first bike in 1995. The curves are easy to moderate with little gravel. Once you get to Maysville cross the river and take an easy scenic ride on trip on Ohio Rt. 52 to the dam and back to Cincinnati which is just north of the start.
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June 27, 2010
0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
did 10 and 22 on a Saturday and it was great. 22 has a lot of turns and the rolling hills and small lakes was every where you look. the road is in pretty good shape but make sure to watch out for some gravel in the road. i will being doing this one again because of all the turns and the scenery is just beautiful and you are in the hills of Kentucky.
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July 13, 2009
0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
this is one of the best rides, no stop signs, lights, or local law enforcement. More turns than you can think of, I ride 2 - 3 times a month. Once you learn the blind curves you can take it quickly if you choose to do so. I recommend you start in alexandria and move southe west to 22 and take that to finish out your trip
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