Overall Route Rating
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3 out of 5 Rider Rating 3
2 Reviews

Motorcycle Route Author

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By WVrider (187 McR Points) on Apr 01, 2017

Rider Reviews

4000 McR Points
November 22, 2019
This road is a pretty sweet alternative to a…
3744 McR Points
July 7, 2020
For me outside of being an alternative route for…

Written Directions

This road is great to add to others in the area. Runs from Burlington on U.S. Rt.50 just a few miles east of Romney, WV and runs south where it intersects with WV Rt.42 just north of Petersburg, WV. Travels through a beautiful valley and is great to add to other roads to create a loop. Great road surface.


Rolling hills through a beautiful valley. Sections of wide open views with other sections passing through secluded woods ... very nice country route through some lush valley scenery. It will be easy to include this into a loop as there are a lot of other nice motorcycle roads you'll find in this area.

Drive Enjoyment

Road quality was extremely good in 2016. Not a bunch of traffic. As far as the curves go, nothing too tight but the road has a lot of nice sweepers and some tighter turns sprinkled in.

Tourism Opportunities

Petersburg, at the southern end of this road has everything you will need as far as food and gas. Not much at the northern end although it's not far from a larger town.

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November 22, 2019
4000 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
This road is a pretty sweet alternative to a busier and more likely to be congested or filled with slow people route than 220. There's plenty of trees along the way for the scenery and I would imagine this route really comes alive in autumn. There's not much in the way of Twisties, but it's certainly not boring either. You have a few turn offs for routes like 48 and 50 which will also show you a pretty good time, but even better scenery.
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July 7, 2020
3744 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Slingshot
For me outside of being an alternative route for staying off the busier 220, it has nothing much to offer. But in all fairness it was very hot day and we were hoping for more shade, so that disappointment is most likely what stuck with me. I recall if being more flat and open.
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