Overall Route Rating
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5 out of 5 Rider Rating 5
5 Reviews

Motorcycle Route Author

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By Guest (0 McR Points) on May 31, 2007

Rider Reviews

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April 9, 2009
If you make a left onto 220 you can pick up 39…
3916 McR Points
January 7, 2017
Super road. Pretty clean, pretty twisty, pretty…

Written Directions

The route starts on Route 39 in Lexington, VA (where I-64/81 split in the West/Central portion of the state). Take Route 39 all the way to Marlinton, WV ... about 100 miles. The route goes on past this destination but I turned South on Rte 220 so I can not verify the rest of the route.


Tree lined curves and hills with adjacent river in part. A large portion of the route travels through the lush green George Washington National Forest ... check out the Google map (online map link below) and click on the Satellite button to see the lush green hills you'll be passing through!!!

Drive Enjoyment

The road is great for those who crave the winding, twisting, grade changes along the way. Some parts of the road had some slightly less than smooth pavement but overall was nice.

Tourism Opportunities

Some small towns along the way to refresh yourself and the bike at the local gas station and/or pub. Not really anything to do off the bike but take this one for the scenery and road quality anyway.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

- View the weather forecast for this area from Yahoo weather .

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May 17, 2008
0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
This looks like a great road ! Lord willing, I plan to ride this one ASAP !!!
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July 7, 2020
3738 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Slingshot
Only rode the part in WV, our friends didn't want to go into VA, will have to do the VA part another time. The WV end was a very nice ride, surface was pretty good, twisty with lots of shade, nice scenery.
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