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Motorcycle Route Author

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By kkorzhakov(korz) (12 McR Points) on Apr 20, 2024

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Written Directions

Start from Tarpon Springs road and turn south onto Patterson, Run route until it dead ends at Race Track road


This short route goes through rural Hillsborough county passing beautiful houses and farms, serene pasture lands and lots and lots of green.

Drive Enjoyment

Road is very curvy with perfect pavement conditions. No potholes or any damage at all. There is no buildup of oil and grease in the center of the lane and the corners are for the most part, not blind. This road is my favorite to ride the bay area as although short, it gives you lots of great cornering opportunities with very little traffic using this road. There are a few driveways but again, very little traffic

Tourism Opportunities

There isn't anything along this route, it is all farm and residential.

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