Overall Route Rating
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3.2 out of 5 Rider Rating 3.2
5 Reviews

Motorcycle Route Author

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By JavaDave (15 McR Points) on Jul 02, 2016

Rider Reviews

96 McR Points
February 21, 2020
Nice road, the scenery beats the interstate.
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130 McR Points
September 17, 2020
A few good curves and not at flat as other rides…

Written Directions

From Bushland, TX (a few miles west of Amarillo on I-40), go north on FR 2381 about 6 miles, then NW on FR 1061. The northwest end of the route is intersection of FR 1061 & Hwy 385 near Tascosa. This is a great alternate route between Amarillo and Raton, NM.


As you start north from Bushland, you'll see nothing but flat -- just like you were seeing on I-40. However, about 3 miles north, the road will suddenly dip behind a hill and drop you into a canyon that starts twists and turns, ups and downs that don't end until you reach Hwy 385. Scenery is mesquite trees and ranches, but it's the canyons, bluffs & sudden vistas that make it special. Be watchful for deer, jack rabbits and other wildlife -- even the occasional rancher on a horse!

Drive Enjoyment

Road is two-lane, usually well-maintained, lots of gentle curves, hills & valleys. Traffic routinely runs 65-70mph, and traffic is usually light. The stop sign at the intersection of FR 2381 & FR 1061 is the only one on the entire route.

Tourism Opportunities

There are no roadside amenities at all between Bushland and Channing. If you have trouble, the local ranchers are typically courteous and helpful if you approach them politely.

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February 21, 2020
96 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Nice road, the scenery beats the interstate.
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September 17, 2020
130 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
A few good curves and not at flat as other rides in the Panhandle.
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January 25, 2021
188 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Great little run. Rained on me all the way, but that’s part of it.
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