Overall Route Rating
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3.75 out of 5 Rider Rating 3.75
8 Reviews

Motorcycle Route Author

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By Darkspy72 (5 McR Points) on Oct 08, 2012

Rider Reviews

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October 13, 2012
There has been replacement of culverts and the…
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2 McR Points
July 6, 2015
A most excellent ride! We actually missed a few…

Written Directions

Starting in Nineveh Take South Nineveh Rd to Center lake road then follow Sweetwater trail through a number of turns of the road to Peoga Rd, Gatesville Rd, and the Coup de grfce my favorite run to date Salt Creek Rd. Salt Creek is one of those roads google didn't even bother to map. A tiny little thing where every turn off is gravel and the turns each provide their own punch. The end comes once you hit 46 just outside of nashville.


It can be very pretty when the leaves change. If you like rustic rural structures, an old general store, a barn, or your occasional farm house than this scenery has something to offer.

Drive Enjoyment

While you may come upon the occasional large crack due to settling for the most part the road is in excellent condition. No potholes, little gravel, and no obnoxious crack "nets"

Tourism Opportunities

I have not been to any of the amenities because I go for the ride, but if your wanting a drink, place to pee, or open area to park and stretch your legs you won't be waiting long. There is an adorable rustic, rural, general store but like I said, I've yet to go inside.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

This road takes a few rides before it comes into it's own. The virgin ride is not the star. Turn around and ride it 3-6 more times and the smooth as butter glide around those turns will not disappoint.

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October 12, 2020
3707 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Slingshot
Nice cruiser ride, especially in the fall and... it keeps you away from the very heavily congested parts of the area. Much of the northern end is 25mph due to all the development around the lakes We looped around Sweetwater and Cordry lakes, may as well while your there. A bit of a challenge to stay on route, very easy to miss a turn. Pavement was good, scenery was good, not much traffic, there is an old general store in Taggart, Gatesville Country Store.
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June 30, 2021
11 McR Points
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I always try to hit route 135 and this route when I'm heading through Indiana. Love the part by the lakes! Wooded area, hilly and curvy. Very enjoyable!
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