Overall Route Rating
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4.41 out of 5 Rider Rating 4.41
22 Reviews

Motorcycle Route Author

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By Guest (0 McR Points) on Feb 29, 2004

Rider Reviews

214 McR Points
October 25, 2018
If you like twisties, this is your dream ride.…
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126 McR Points
October 14, 2020
Had an AirBB in Mountain View so I rode this one…

Written Directions

Start the route in the town of Mountain View, AR which sits about 85 miles due north of Little Rock. From there you take State Road 14 north out of Mountain View, AR for about 6 miles and then look for State Road 9 (you will see signs pointing the way to Melbourne, AR). Take a right on State Road 9 and you'll be heading east and cross the White river and you are on your way to Melbourne, AR. For the next 20 or so miles, stay on State Road 9 and take it in to Melbourne (note: State Road 9 is part of the Ozark National forest).


Start by crossing the scenic White river then gear down for the climb up the first mountain. At the top of the first peak prepare for tight 180 degree turns. Pass sheer mountain cut outs as you descend slightly then up again and hard turns. Look to your left and you can see a sheer drop-off to the river valley below. It is hard not to stare at the beautiful scenery. Only trouble is if you do (with all the killer turns) this will be a one-time trip.

Drive Enjoyment

It is a good road, well maintained. However be aware that this is a mountain road and with changing weather conditions there will be loose gravel from the mountainside on some turns. One thing to watch out for is large black birds feeding on the road kill. They won't move until the last moment and when they do they could just a well fly at you as away from you. Have had three close calls in the last two years.

Tourism Opportunities

Visit the well-equipped store at the base of the road for gas and drinks. There is nothing from Mountain View to Melbourne except motorcycle adventure. However, running out of gas is not a problem as you could probably coast down most of the 25-mile distance.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

- View the weather forecast for this area from Yahoo weather .

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July 27, 2021
815 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
This route was the tail end of the Kirkwood, MO H.O.G Chapter's 2021 Iron Butt Ride. (NOTE: The chapter uses the term "iron butt" to denote a one way ride of 300 miles or more to an overnight destination, and is not associated with the Iron Butt Association or it's ride criteria.) Riding this at the end of a 300 mile ride and in temps in the mid 90s (and heat indexes in the low 100s) was a definite challenge, but the route is nicely wooded, and the twisties are fun without being too technical.
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June 10, 2008
0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
One amazing road. My Dad has told me about this road for years and I finally got to ride it. One of the reasons I'm moving back. :-D
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June 17, 2012
2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
Me and a buddy rode this route in May of 2012. It was the first twisty road I had ever rode and I have to say it's the most fun I've had on my motorcycle yet! As everyone else says, it's curvy as can be with nice high speed curves it's a joy to ride and the views are very nice as well.If your taking this route you should stop by Blanchard Springs and see the free sites there. With this route being less than 100 miles from me I am sure to ride it many times again.
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