Elk River Wind Farm - By Stalephreak

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By Stalephreak (160 McR Points) on Mar 05, 2017
Creator : Stalephreak
Motorcycle Type : Sport
The Good: The road is in immaculate shape. The small towns even have "bikers welcome" signs out. That's ALWAYS a plus.
The Bad: It's flat, straight and goes on forever. Bad if you're on a sport bike, or any bike that CAN corner for that matter. I suppose that's a good thing if you're a Harley rider. While you can see the windmills in the distance, they're so far off that you can't "appreciate" them as much. My SP360 didn't even pick them up from the road when I recorded the ride.
The Ugly: It's Kansas, meaning very little tree cover, and NOTHING acting as a wind brake. The day I rode, I had to deal with 20 MPH crosswinds with 35 mph gusts. When your motorcycle is built like a sail, this is LESS than fun. Then again, that's why Kansas has a wind farm there.
The Bad: It's flat, straight and goes on forever. Bad if you're on a sport bike, or any bike that CAN corner for that matter. I suppose that's a good thing if you're a Harley rider. While you can see the windmills in the distance, they're so far off that you can't "appreciate" them as much. My SP360 didn't even pick them up from the road when I recorded the ride.
The Ugly: It's Kansas, meaning very little tree cover, and NOTHING acting as a wind brake. The day I rode, I had to deal with 20 MPH crosswinds with 35 mph gusts. When your motorcycle is built like a sail, this is LESS than fun. Then again, that's why Kansas has a wind farm there.
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