Ride Around The Great Lake Okeechobee - By Brewha

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By Brewha (6 McR Points) on Aug 25, 2021
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Motorcycle Type : Sport
I don't know quite how to use the site yet but just moved to Okeechobee Florida and found this site today and was already thinking about riding around Lake Okeechobee. Originally from Stewart Florida and was on the west coast in Venice Florida for a couple months to help family. So I'm planning on writing this in the next couple days and we'll let you know what I think. I'll also throw some Rhodes I've learned on both coasts on here where I was just staying had I mean it was almost like a little two-mile circuit cuz there was only one concrete plant that had Road access and all day it's empty so nobody is coming in from the sides and you can just worry about who's in front or behind cuz it's one lane. Some good twisties in their to nothing anybody can really get into much trouble on.
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