Smyrna to Watertown - By OmegaLazarus

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By OmegaLazarus (2 McR Points) on May 13, 2016

Creator : OmegaLazarus
Motorcycle Type : Sport

Hey, I'm from this area and this route is why I joined the site. I am a former rider, current cage-driver. However, I look for the same things I always did when I cruise and I independently came up with this route for Sunday morning drives. I came here thinking that riders would have good routes for me to drive and saw this. Well, I knew I was in the right place as great minds think alike. This ride has well-maintained roads and good rural scenic views. There are some turns and fun little bumps, but overall, it is an easy one to take in. No real amenities on the way, but you end with some in Watertown and very close to Lebanon, which has plenty. I do this drive at least once a month to mentally prepare for the work week and would love to see some (more) riders out there. If you see the late model Orange Mustang, shoot me that low peace sign. I respect your freedom and I always look twice before I turn.

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