Talking Rock to Dahlonega - Route 136 - By True55

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By True55 (6 McR Points) on Sep 11, 2011
Creator : True55
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Made this run Sept 3, 2011. Please make sure you fill up at the QTrip before beginning this route located on Hwy 575. There are not to many places to refuel once you begin. While on 136 you will come to a fork in the road where 136 is to the left and 83 is to the right. we were looking for fuel and thought the gas station (texaco) was open but it wasn't and got back on route not paying attention and ended up on 83. But don't worry it will take you back across 136/9 once you reach Dawsonville. You can refuel at several places once you reach the small town and be good to go. there were several places you can pull off to get some good pics on the scenery. I will definitely do this route again in the fall..
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