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By look2x (14 McR Points) on Aug 22, 2015

Creator : look2x
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring

I took 28 north from where it intersects with 107 in south carolina. 28 north was a great ride with good quality road and not too many other cars. I strongly suggest this ride for good curves.

For a longer adventure, consider this...take 28 north until it intersects with 64. Head east on 64, turn north on 281, turn east (right) on Tanassee Gap Rd (be careful because the street sign is missing. It's right after a small bridge on the right if you're heading north. If you drive by a parking area near the water with some large graphic infomational displays about the local area, turn around because you just missed it. If you're driving south, it's after the parking area and before the bridge). At one point you have to take an unexpected right turn to stay on Tanassee Gap Rd so keep your eye out for it. Then take 215 north (which intersects with the Bue Ridge Parkway) and if you want to keep riding turn onto 276 south. 276 intersects also with the Blue Ridge Parkway.

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