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4.95 out of 5 Rider Rating 4.95
21 Reviews

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By MCR Contributor (1039 McR Points) on May 17, 2011

Rider Reviews

2629 McR Points
November 28, 2012
This is an amazingly beautiful route. The first…
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2 McR Points
February 23, 2012
This route is BEAUTIFUL and well worth any detour…

Written Directions

Starting in Whitewater about 10 miles south of Grand Junction through Hwy 50, follow CO 141 for 104 miles to Naturita. In Naturita take CO 145 for 36 miles to Placerville.


Breathtaking vistas and a sky so blue that looks surreal in contrast with the red rocks. The traffic seems to be very light. Make you feel you are riding inside a miniature Grand Canyon. There's a section of the road where the turns and the canyon gets very tight with just enough room for the road and the river.

Red rock canyons along the Dolores river. Makes you feel like the road runner in some stretches.

Drive Enjoyment

Decent road, almost perfect surface with a few bumpy spots. Lots of high speed sweepers. Visibility can be limited in some areas and narrow shoulders call for extra care. The road crosses through open range country so lookout for cattle on the road.

Tourism Opportunities

Nice resort at Gateway which is about a third into the ride. There you can find a nice restaurant and a convenience store with some take out items. The resort also have high end accommodations and even an Auto museum worth visiting. Nothing else for over 60 miles until you reach Naturita. Make sure you have a full tank of gas before you start. Bring extra water, this is high desert country. No cell phone service through most of the route so a breakdown can result in a very long wait for help. Make sure you carry a good roadside emergency kit.

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September 18, 2020
91 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
My favorite road to date. Very low traffic and amazing views, especially between Gateway and Norwood. Canyons with huge rock faces and lots of twisties. Plenty of places to stop and take a rest. I stopped at one point for over 10 minutes and not one vehicle came by. Beware of squirrels everywhere in the woods popping out!
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February 14, 2019
197 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
I have to agree, on many points. I live in Tennessee but make an annual Mecca run to Colorado just about every year. 141 is ALWAYS on my list of favorite MC roads in CO. Lightly traveled, always and peaceful serene canyons, river, valleys, ranches. Make sure your tank is full, and stop at the Gateway Canyons gas stop to make sure you have enough to continue. (Discovery Channel Owner built up this area, huge ranch house on the left when heading south). At Naturita there is a junction with Hwy 90 which heads west to the LaSal mountains. Worth a little side trip up there if you have the time. 141 is the BEST way to get down to Durango in order to make a nice roundtrip back up through Silverton to Ouray on the Million Dollar Highway. But 141 is about as fun, quiet and challenging road you will find (other than Cache LaPoudre Hwy 14)
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October 13, 2020
25 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
I cannot rate this ride highly enough. Speedy bits with twisty bits with amazing scenery and fantastic history. One of the great things about this ride is that you can cut off of it and find some amazing stuff....for example, heading west at Naturita up towards Utah and into Moab...or turning south at Telluride and doing the big loop that is the Number 1 ranked Colorado ride on this site.
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